hafa wondeland

hafa wondeland
Hafa is the best time to fly - feel soar in the sky - don't being so sly - let's dream come true and tied


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Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011


 Aritu aku g hi tea akhir tahun. kali hi tea combined dgn pengawas skolah, KOSUBA, n PRS di Hotel Holiday Villa. Theme hi tea kali ni Arabian and bollywood. last we all yg spm g hi tea. pasni mesti dh xboleh nk g. Lg2 event ni utk meraikan hari Persaraan Puan Pengetua... xbestla kalo dia dh xdek..ton dpn amik result spm mesti dia dh xdek..

ihsan gmbr dr Izati...
besar btol muke aq...mcm pondan...heh!

xbyk gmbr aq dgn kwn2 aq ni...aq dgn Mas kene duduk table yg menerima anugerah...same je pon sebenarnye kalo duduk mne2..tgk skrng xdek gmbr sgt...T.T..xpekla..asalkan hepi aritu smpi dpt lucky draw..wah!! meal dia sedap bolehla..aq ni melantak kek dia je.... hehe...buruk mkn kan? xpek...last dh ni...

pasni mesti rindu time nakal2 kitorang...T.T sadis

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