hafa wondeland

hafa wondeland
Hafa is the best time to fly - feel soar in the sky - don't being so sly - let's dream come true and tied


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Rabu, 30 Mac 2011

Seloka MasHafa 7(13+8) = bajet x alim G(haha10x)

halo hawayu, skrng dh tghmlm, eh slah pg dh...mata xleh nk tutup lg disbbkn report peka aq telah terpdm during my absence..ceh bajet! aq kene buat semula report then aq merayau2 jgk ke blog ni...hahaha...pastu tringt nk kongsi perangai ktrng (mashafa) kat kelas 5Alpha mcm mna...haha..jgn hebih2 auw!

mas bajet alim

jaga2 hidup byk pencemaran!!

ikan dolfin ni suda disunti botox oleh Dr. Mas babtu sexayy!! haha

again? ouh men!

best jwb addmath...mmg frus habis

terharu giler jwb soalan?

tido dlm kelas mmg best..

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