Today is hari ini
- As usual bangun pepagi sahurla, kan bulan pose skrng nih! then, I took the book bcoz exmination will be held this morning(pendidikan islam ngan eng je pon tu pon nk kecoh).
- Mcm bese ari jumaat baca yaasin kat skola. Masuk class, my chair is there on my seat...good!
- adoyai..addmath2..whn it's time 2 this subject, i feel bored..bukanye ape teacher, ni mesti sbb duk blkng, lgpon Pn.Tang, ur voice like a whisper..klu nk masuk kelas ktrng kluarkan jela suara btol2, jerit je smpi tecampak kluar anak tekak, ktrng x kisah. haha. like Pn Mona said 2 us `use ur stomach muscle!` haha...due 2 feeling very bored, i take the phone out then stuffed earphne into my ear n listn it(lagu nasyid beb! jd budak baek pd bln pose ni). Sorry teacher, i can't hear whtevr u said.(^.^). But then, i'm share it wif Fara coz she didn't bring up her phone. Just like a sweet couple. haha. she always replay the same song..seb baik lagu tu best, siap nak nyanyikan tuk aq lgi tuh...terharu~
- Third, Pn Suraya ask bout yesterday that i'm absence in tadarus..actually malas nk pegi, x bawa quran...the strange is, she ask y i didn't attend but she also didn't show up in musolla 4 tadarus today? ape la~seri..
- Next, exam P.I td...ermm...bantai je..xdekla susah sgt klu kongsi jwpn..kelas akaun xnak share ape yg masuk..huh..swagger! anyway..aku jwb je...telebih rajin smpi answer all question..satu da la..haha
- The bell is ringing, time 2 back home..yes3..smpi kat parking lot..mine overlap wif another..malasnye nk tunggu si pemilik moto ni...weather start 2 rain...smpi kat traffic light da lebat...my things n i going wringing wet...arrive home, i strght 2 hav a bath smpikan my mum haven't noticed that i'm home.
- When i'm completed some work n on9 in my bedroom, my mum realize i'm there...haha..that evening i'm just searching n explore somethng 4 my project by uploading video and search the information bout it.. seda x seda..tetido plak..^.^....just wake up i'm try to practic what i'm got be4..good! first task complete.
- my sis n i go to neighbor's house to give some dish 2 them. Da la hujan lebat petir pon besabung2 we had 2 run 2 the neighbor's house...pakai payung pon useless..basah tetap basah
- buka puasa je otak aq just think about drink...minum pon bole kenyang! Burp~ da full...hahaha...makanan pon x sentuh lg...hahak...
- that's all bout my self...sekali ni je aq citer details2 sbb xdek modal nk story.
- k babai!